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Top 10 Most Iconic Movie Villains Beards of All Time

Top 10 Most Iconic Movie Villains Beards of All Time

There’s something about men with beards: they’re the bad boys. They don’t play by the rules. Indeed, research shows men with beards are less trustworthy than their fresh-faced counterparts. Little wonder then that many of the greatest movie villains ever put to screen boasted badass beards.

To celebrate our bearded bros with a dark side, we’re counting down the top 10 most iconic movie villain beards of all time. Be scared and be very afraid.

Hans Gruber – Die Hard

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Slick. Professional. Utterly without remorse. Here, the stylish German terrorist Hans Gruber is paired with a wide goatee spreading up to his sideburns. As you’ll see, the goatee is the hallmark of the dastardly devious, and Gruber is no exception. It even looks great as he plummets thirty stories.

Ra’s Al Ghul – Batman Begins

Two slots in, and we’ve already hit our second goatee. Liam Neeson plays yet another terrorist – this time with a dash of Ninjutsu. The beard is groomed but wispy – suggesting a man, who, while restrained, has a wild side.

Jack Torrance – The Shining

Marooned in an icy hotel, Jack begins to go insane. As he delves into madness, his stubble grows. His appearance becomes more disheveled. Like the setting sun, Jack’s five-o-clock shadow beckons a chilling night to come. What else is there to say but:

Heeere's Johnny!

General Zod – Man of Steel

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Physical. Brutal. Menacing. Michael Shannon’s Zod is a titan onscreen, demanding your attention. His crew-cut hair shows you his no-nonsense, militaristic approach. But it’s his beard – a trimmed goatee – that shocks as it frames his growling face.

Obadiah Stane – Iron Man

Few actors throw themselves into roles more thoroughly than Jeff Bridges. Growing up a huge comic book fan, Jeff shaved his head and grew the beard for the part. Where Tony Stark is the flippant playboy, Stane is every bit the cold, calculating shark of a businessman.

Jacobim Mugatu – Zoolander

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Not all villains need to lack flair. With two platinum blonde hairballs atop his head, all the devilish fashion mogul needed was… yes! you guessed it: a goatee. It’s not hard to see why people were so easily hypnotized. The man looks like his dog!

Calvin Candie – Django Unchained

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There’s only thing eviler than a goatee, and that’s a pointed beard. Chuffing on his pipe, Leonardo DiCaprio’s crooked smile teases the evil and brutal nature of Candie behind his well-groomed beard. For DiCaprio’s first time portraying a villain, the result was amazing. And the beard was pretty damn great too!

Davy Jones – Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

There are short beards and long beards. Broad beards and squat beards. Goatees and full-beards. But there’s only one beard that wriggles and writhes. That’s ol’ Davy Jones tentacle monstrosity. Requiring hours of CGI, the result is nothing short of terrifying.

Seneca Crane – The Hunger Games

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Yet another fashion-forward villain. Played by Wes Bentley, Crane’s beard is likely one of the most iconic put to screen. Closely trimmed into a spiked pattern, there’s no doubt who’s side he’s on.

Saruman – The Lord of the Rings

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The one and only. The greatest wizard beard ever put to screen. Saruman’s fine white beard with a stripe of grey is almost regal – reflecting his power-hungry nature. On the eternally badass Christopher Lee, it becomes the one beard to rule them all… or so the fallen wizard may hope.


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