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The Surprising History of Braided Beards

Beards are back. Balboa. Ducktail Goatee. Soul patch. Whatever your style, beards have never been more popular. But there’s one style you don’t see nearly as often: braided beards. Think Khal Drogo or “fat Thor.” It’s an age-old style. Yet, what’s the story behind it? Where does the tradition of braiding beards come from? And how do you go about braiding your facial fuzz?

Braided beards are old… like really old

The earliest civilizations began in the Middle East. These were the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians – collectively known as Mesopotamia. While hundreds of miles often separated these cultures, they shared one common factor. They all braided their beards.

Vast reliefs carved into rock show imposing kings with beautifully braided beards. Archaeological evidence even implies these braids were woven with gold and silver strands. Truly a magnificent sight to behold!

Later the Persian Emperors took up the practice. Darius I, one of the greatest leaders in history, had a long and flowing braided beard.

When the Persians fell to the Arabs, the meticulous art of braiding was lost to the region. But it wasn’t lost to the world.

The Beards of Thor and Odin

Far away from Persia, in the frosty reaches of northern Europe, the Vikings also embraced the braided beard. Rather than the ornate and decadent beards of the Mesopotamians, Vikings braided beards for fun and esteem. It was still a status symbol but certainly less regally defined.

There are other reasons the Vikings braid their beards. For one, it terrified their enemies. Seeing a giant Viking, ax-in-hand, with a broad braided beard lumbering towards you would have been a terrifying sight to most peasants and monks. Indeed, there’s even a suggestion that braided beards were the sign of a notably fearsome warrior in Norwegian culture.

How to braid your beard

So, do you want to look as majestic as a Sumerian prince or as terrifying as a Viking warrior? Well, you’ll need to follow these tips first.

  1. Comb your hair to remove any tangled knots.
  2. Apply beard oil to soften the whiskers.
  3. Separate the relevant area into three separate strands.
  4. Place the left strand into the middle (the middle strand now becomes the left).
  5. Place the right strand into the middle (the middle strand now becomes the right).
  6. Continue steps 4 and 5 until you are near the end of your beard.
  7. Tie the end of the beard with a bead or band to secure.

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