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Did All Pirates Have Beards?

Tricorn hats. Eye patches. Peglegs. Jolly Rogers. These are all the hallmarks of a pirate. But there’s one other feature we often see: beards. From Jack Sparrow to Captain Hook, fictional pirates often sport a debonaire beard to suit their swashbuckling nature. Yet, is that based on any historical fact? And, if so, why did pirates grow beards?

That’s what we’re here to answer.

We’ve got to talk about Blackbeard

If there’s one pirate that started the beard trend off, it’s the greatest of them all: Blackbeard, AKA Edward Teach. Teach was one of a kind. Legend has it that he used to light his beard on fire before going into battle. He was truly a terrifying prospect to a young sailor in His Majesty’s Royal Navy. A contemporary described him as “such a figure that imagination cannot form an idea of a fury, from hell, to look for frightful.” More reliable accounts state that his beards were long and braided, often with colored ribbons.

Yet, it is notable that he even earned the moniker Blackbeard. That suggests beards were not so common at the time.

Were beards popular at the time?

As the Renaissance faded out of view, beards quickly lost their popularity. The 18th-century fashion was towards the clean-shaven, representing enlightenment and propriety. Beards were backward, savage, and ruggedly masculine. Teach likely played on these fears and beliefs, using his beard as a weapon like the pistols he wielded in each hand. He intimidated his foes with his menacing visage.

That’s not to say beards were unheard of. At the time, shaving relied upon access to a razor and shaving cream. For poor sailors stuck out at sea, shaving their beards may have become a laborious chore. Better to let it grow. Regardless, most would have tried to keep their beards as short as possible.

Pirate beards: fact or fiction

Sadly, the likes of Master Gibbs’ glorious mutton chops or even Davy Jones’ tentacle monstrosity are more fiction than fact. While the most legendary pirate of all did have a fearsome beard, it was that which marked him out. In general, pirates would be clean-shaven for the most part.

But for those of you ready to blame Hollywood, hold up! The myth of the pirate beard appears to go back many years. It’s yet another historical myth. Consider it busted!


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